It is recommended that students be currently working in the medical field (not required). Students should be familiar with CPT, ICD-10, HCPCS, Modifiers, Medicare Rules and Regulations, Coding Concepts, HIPAA, Medical Terminology, and Anatomy. Course Overview: Introduction to the CPT, Evaluation and Management, Anesthesia, Modifiers, Integumentary System, Musculoskeletal System; Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Male/Female Genital System; Maternity Care and Delivery, General Surgery I & II, Radiology, Pathology; Medicine section and Level II National Codes; Overview of the ICD-10-CM, Third Party Reimbursement Issues and Coding guidelines. **Registration Includes: CPC Certification Training Manual Instructional Homework, Quizzes & Tests Enrollment Fee 1st Week’s Tuition Certificate of Completion **Required Text: {Current Year is required by American Academy of Professional Coders} Current Procedural Terminology (CPT); Professional Edition International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision CM (ICD-10) Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System II Professional (HCPCS) Textbook Bundle Cost: $250.00 (price is approximate due to shipping fee) CPC Certification Exam $425 for 2 Attempts (Student Discount) * Disclaimer: The completion of this course does not guarantee the passing of National Certification Tests.
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